
It was really nice this morning to hear NPR back to talking about how crappy the economy is, even if they were addressing the question of what 'president-elect Obama' (and they most certainly seemed to relish using that phrase) could do between now and January to help the situation, given that he isn't actually anything just yet.

The party was great, and champagne was drank at the appropriate moment. I was surprised to see how quickly it swung to Obama, and even more surprised when McCain conceded. Isn't it nice to have a democracy that actually works for a change? I thought his concession speech was excellent, though certainly not in the same league as Obama's victory speech, which was...quite good. Monumental, one might even assert - certainly the historians in the room were impressed with his rhetoric.

It was a great result, on a night full of not-so-great results. Here in Arkansas, the most bizarre anti-gay legislation ever written passed by a large amount. It looks like California will lose gay marriage again (and if those marriages already performed are invalidated, it would be those who claim to be 'protecting the institution of marriage' who are most effectively destroying it. I hope the irony is not lost on them, though I expect it will be). In our local elections a closely fought state senate battle will go to the Republican.

In one bright spot, I'm pleased to see the bill on how you confine animals in California has passed.

Shelby commented:
Yes, the passage of Prop 8 was a bitter pill in an otherwise joyous evening. And while I don't think it got a lot of coverage outside of the state, we are also thrilled that the proposition to build a high-speed rail between LA and San Francisco passed as well.
on Thu Nov 6 18:25:25 2008

David commented:
Wow - you're right - I didn't hear anything about that. In reading the news, it looks like it was a close-run thing. Let's hope this doesn't end up as badly as the Acela fiasco, because I would really like a fast train somewhere in the US.
on Thu Nov 6 19:09:56 2008

holly commented:
We were devastated about the prop 8 passing. It was a really divisive thing here in the state, and the two of us planning on getting married in April. Despite the fact that it is still legal for Bucky and I to get married, it seems that if it isn't settled for CA and our gay friends, it makes it difficult for us to support a state that does that. We are currently seeing if we can get a license in Las Vegas and still get married here. David, since you are doing the honors, we may have to chat about this. What a giant load of crap. 
on Fri Nov 7 23:46:57 2008

David commented:

Wow. That would be really great if you are able to register like that. It's too bad it had to go down that way - California really could have set themselves apart if they had rejected the bill. I hate having to rely on the courts to sort it out (with the whole " the proposition was illegal because it took away a fundamental constitutional right " thing).

on Sat Nov 8 17:00:20 2008

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