Another series down over the weekend. I read three of the books in the Forgotten Realms series, called Dark Elf Trilogy. I read them because in some way they are supposed to be related to the game Sean brought, though I must confess I didn't see the connexion. It was your basic swords and sorcery fare. Now I've moved on to some other fluffy goodness, which I shall post when I've read more of them.

Lisa Dugdale commented:
Oooh, I'm in search of fluff. Unfortunately, the library is out of this, so perhaps you should bring it back so I can borrow it. What, you thought people were actually going to order things? It would make for some lighter reading. Currently I'm reading Leadership and the New Science, and the Post-Corporate World. (I think you'd like the latter, David, and possibly the former - you can borrow them when you're back).
on Tue May 3 18:40:45 2005

David commented:
I would be very very surprised if people ordered things. On the other hand, I would also be paid, so it never hurts to put the link up. And boy, oh boy, does this book meet your fluff needs. I'm trying to decide which way to go next - more fantasy/sf or some other form of fluffy. I'm pretty sure mysteries aren't fluffy enough for me, but I haven't found any good romance books lately. Perhaps travelogues - Sean swears by them....
on Tue May 3 20:32:33 2005

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