Bush and Iran

I freakin' love it. George Bush really is the most dangerous man alive. The BBC is reporting he is trying to spin the US National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran (released yesterday, I believe), which all the media had been reporting as having calmed the diplomatic waters between the US and Iran, to say that it shows that Iran is a dangerous country that should be stopped.

"I view this report as a warning signal that they had the program, they halted the program," Mr Bush told a news conference. "The reason why it's a warning signal is they could restart it."

"Iran was dangerous, Iran is dangerous and Iran will be dangerous if they have the know-how to make a nuclear weapon," Mr Bush said.

Just this morning I was listening to the experts say there was a new tack being taken diplomatically. Shows how much they know about the Legion of Doomsayers.
Jason commented:
John McCain seems to be leaning toward the Bush interpretation. When I hear him speak on Tuesday he seemed to be on the fence between the report and the Bush comments but then last night, as a friend said "he must have been briefed" b/c he was much closer to Bush's remarks.
on Thu Dec 6 12:21:02 2007

David commented:
In some ways he reminds me of a Republican Al Gore - I'm pretty sure he has strong views, I'm pretty sure they would be popular, but he's too often trying to stay 'on message' to actually let people know what those views are. Not that I think it matters who the Republicans put up as a candidate, anyway.
on Fri Dec 7 10:19:35 2007

David commented:
As a side note, the Economist this week published an article listing why McCain should be the Republican candidate.
on Mon Dec 10 22:30:06 2007

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