Detroit's mayor

If we're doing Michigan news today (and we are, in part) then the big news is that the mayor of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick, has been caught lying under oath by a Detroit newspaper. It's the classic 'I did not have sex with that woman' case, and they were worse than some at hiding it. As it turns out, the other place the mayor appears to have perjured himself was in relation to the firing of a city employee.

The city of Detroit is broke in a way that no city of its size should ever be. It's been mismanaged to beat all. Hopefully with the disposal of the mayor, some fresh, qualified leadership can take over.

holly commented:
So, what is it about politicians having sex with their aides that makes them want to deny it and point their fingers at the cameras. The same finger, the same pointing, you would think they would want to get as far from the penis imagery as possible...
on Thu Jan 24 16:29:40 2008

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