The end is near, people. How do I know? The Casa Moda "S'mores" Maker, which appears to be how the British would have made s'mores in India a hundred years ago, if they had done that sort of thing....

Lisa Dugdale commented:
No, that would be indicated by the 'Hot Chocolate Maker' for $29.99 that is eternally advertised by Bed Bath and Beyond. Because hot chocolate has always so darn hard to make...
on Sun Jan 9 18:23:06 2005

David commented:
$30 must be the magic price point - both the S'more maker and the chocolate maker are $30. Let that be a lesson to all of us - if it seems like a good gift, and it's under $30, don't do it!
on Sun Jan 9 23:29:16 2005

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