Time once again to label the generations. This time the term looks to be 'grup' (though truth be told, I prefer yupster).

He owns eleven pairs of sneakers, hasn’t worn anything but jeans in a year, and won’t shut up about the latest Death Cab for Cutie CD. But he is no kid. He is among the ascendant breed of grown-up who has redefined adulthood as we once knew it and killed off the generation gap.
It's your standard 'isn't this interesting, this new generation' article, although it does a much nicer job of giving a balanced overview. Apparently I have ceased to be Gen X, or even Gen Y, and moved into Peter Pan territory. Via a&l daily.
Nikki commented:
This really kinda pisses me off, actually. But in saying that I refuse their heinous label, I guess I am making their insidious point. But, my curiosity was somehwat piqued in this Mommy Happy Hour they mentioned... let's hope that is still around when I decide to have a kid.
on Sun Apr 2 21:11:12 2006

David commented:
...and when will that be, exactly...?
on Mon Apr 3 01:35:51 2006

Nikki commented:
Um... have you been talking to my mother?
on Tue Apr 4 00:58:03 2006

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